Upgrading or downgrading membership

You can easily upgrade or downgrade ongoing memberships to another membership. To do this follow these steps: 

  1. Go to the  Client’s profile 
  2. Click the Products tab 
  3. Click on the product’s  options button (3 dots) 
  4. Click on Up- / downgrade 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated 

A window will open and you can choose from the dropdown menu with which membership you want to change the current membership. You then have the option to change the membership immediately or from the next payment date. 

Click  Save  to make the change. 

Please note: When the membership is upgraded or downgraded, the next payment date and (minimum) end date of the contract will be taken over. If you do not want this, you can also terminate the membership and give a new membership with a different payment date or contract duration. The latter also applies if you want to change an expiring membership. 

Furthermore, the new membership will default to the rate you specified for the product (under Products). However, if the membership you want to upgrade or downgrade is free, the new membership will also be free. 


Upgrade immediately and charge extra in next payment? 

If you upgrade the membership immediately, you can also change the next scheduled payment, so that clients pay extra for the days that the membership was upgraded earlier. 

How to change a payment can be seen in  this article


What happens to the upcoming bookings made with the old membership? 

These will remain. However, if the client has bookings in the future that cannot be confirmed with the new membership, they will remain "open". You can then cancel these bookings or confirm them with another product under the "Bookings" tab.