Direct collection from new client

When a new client has issued an authorization (e.g. via a form) to collect membership payments automatically, you can enter the account number and holder directly when adding the client. You can then choose not to require the client to make the first payment online to verify their account number. 

To do this, follow the following steps: 

  1. Go to Clients or click + in the navigation bar and click New client 
  2. Enter e-mail address and first and last name 
  3. Click on More details (optional) 
  4. Scroll to the Bank details fields, these include Account number and account holder  

Next, you can give the client a membership. When you indicate which membership you want to give, you can select the option Direct debit amount under ‘Payment?’. The client then receives no payment request and payment is automatically via, for example, SEPA or Credit Card. 

You also have the option to specify the Start date and the First payment date via "More options" when you want to give a membership: 

  1. When these fields are left blank, the start date and payment date is today. 
  2. When only the start date is entered, payment is collected immediately based on the start date. Start date can be either in the past or in the future. 
  3. When the first payment date is entered, the first payment is only collected on that day.