Membership blocked

When is a membership blocked? 

An active membership can be blocked in 2 ways: 

  1. Blocking it yourself (via client profile > Products > options button (3 dots)) 
  2. Automatically (via refund / chargeback) 

Furthermore, a membership can be automatically blocked because a refund (chargeback) has taken place. You will be notified of this). The client has then actively refunded the payment. When the membership is blocked, the client will temporarily not be able to use the membership to make bookings until you unblock the membership again. 

To unblock the membership, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to the Client’s profile 
  2. Click on the Products tab 
  3. Click on the product’s options button (3 dots) 
  4. Click on Unblock 

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

 Session ticket / turn cards / turns card / lesson card