Revenue per session (lesson/training)

You have the option to specify the revenue per credit per product, so that the revenue per session can be calculated. The idea behind this function is that you can get a much better picture of your actual income per period, as opposed to the turnover you get from the sale of products (credits are used over a longer period of time). This data is often used in combination with payroll (employee costs). You can then immediately see whether there is more income than expenditure.

1. Set up earnings per credit

First it is important to set the income per credit per product:

  1. Go to Products
  2. Click on the product where you want to set it up
  3. Click More options below Payment settings
  4. Enter amount in the Earnings per credit field


2. Insight into revenue per session

You can get insight into the revenue per session via Company > Reports > Revenue per session or Calendar > More > Revenue per session. When you click on the session, you can see at a detailed level what the income is per booking.

You can also see the income per activity and in total during a period via Reports > Income.

You see different calculated values in the reports:

  • Bookings: everyone who is in the session (lesson/training).
  • Attendees: Everyone in the session who is set to attend
  • No refund: customers/members who were too late to unsubscribe

When there is income per session, you can also go to the detail page of the income via the session in the agenda. Note: this option is only visible if there is actual income.

Nice to know

  • You may want to use other reports to determine the earnings per credit of unlimited subscriptions. For example, you can look at the average number of times someone comes per month and divide this by the monthly amount.
  • We may retroactively calculate the revenue per session. We would like to hear from when we can help you with this.
  • The revenue per session at a detailed level is always up-to-date. Earnings in Reports are updated every hour.