New (& discontinued) products

When you have a Pro account you can get optimal insight into the number of new products & discontinued products. You have 2 options for this. This way you can view the development of the number of new & discontinued products and you can also view the new products at a detailed level.

1. Via Reports (from Pro)

You can see the number of new and discontinued products in a selected period

New products indicates the number of new products in the selected period with which customers can make a booking.

- Customers (unique) indicates the number of unique customers this product has had in the selected period. Please note: the number of unique customers is determined per product, and this also applies to the total. This means that adding up all the lines doesn't have to equal the total.

- The share percentage indicates the ratio between the number of products of the specific product and the total number of products.

For the report discontinued products the same principle applies, only these products have been discontinued.