Personalise emails

To personalise emails to clients or members, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on your name in the top right (desktop) or click on "More" (app) 
  2. Click  Settings 
  3. Under EMAIL, click  Customization 
  4. Upload logo and set greeting and email signature 


Email logo 

The email logo is shown in every email that is sent to the client or member. 

Tip: We recommend a transparent PNG file that has been properly cropped. 



You can set the greeting with which the clients are addressed in emails, for example "Hi" or "Dear" and the name of the client. You can use the following variables: 

Table Description automatically generated 


A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence 


Email signature 

You can set the text with which emails to clients are closed. For example, you can indicate how clients can contact you and then close with, for example, "Best regards". You can use the following variables: 

Chart Description automatically generated with medium confidence 


Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated