Client cannot be added

When you want to add a client or member with an active product to a session, e.g. example class or training, it is possible to that the following message comes up: 

"Cannot add client, client does not have an active product or enough credits for the selected activity during this period" 

This has one of the following causes: 

1. Product not linked to activity 

It is always important to indicate for which activities (classes / training / events) a product can be used, so that the credits can be used to make a booking. If this is not the case, the credits of the product cannot be used. 

This can also occur, for example, if you have removed a product. It is then no longer activated for an activity and the credits of the product can no longer be used.  

2. Product has too few credits (or no credits) 

For example, if a client has a membership of 1x per week, then the client can only be added to a session once a week, it is then not possible to add the client 2x. It can also happen that the credits of a ride card have been used up, for example after you were able to add the client just before. 

3. Product is no longer valid on the date of the session (validity date expired) 

When a product, such as a ride card, is no longer valid on the date of the session (e.g. class or training), the credits cannot be used to add the client to the session. In this case it is possible to extend the validity of the product via the client's profile. 

4. Product is not yet active on the session date (start date is later) 

If you try to add a client to a session (e.g. class or training) when the membership has not yet started, the credits cannot be used. In this case, you could assign a single credit if necessary. 

5. Product is paused or blocked 

When a client’s membership is paused in the booking period, it is not possible to add the client to a session. This will also not be possible when a product is blocked. 

6. If family account: product not linked to family member 

It may happen that the product is not yet linked to a family member, and that it is still linked to the main user or other family member. In this case, you can change the product and link the correct family member via the "Products" tab in the client’s profile.