Charge credits

How can I configure when credits are charged with a booking? 

Scenario: client makes a booking 

When a client or member makes a booking via the Schedule or widget on your website, credits will always be charged immediately. If clients or members do not have enough credits, they will not be able to make a booking (they have to buy a product first). 

Situation: trainer/teacher adds client to session 

When you add a client to a session, e.g. training or lesson, a credit is charged by default. However, you can also choose to charge credits afterwards. 

To set how you want to charge credits when you add client, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on your Name at the top right 
  2. Go to  Calendar & schedule under PREFERENCES 
  3. Scroll to  Calendar settings 
  4. Go to the  Automatically charge credits when adding clients

 You have the following options: 

1. Charge credits directly (default/recommended) 

When you add a client to a session, whether it is a group activity or private activity, credits are charged immediately. This applies both if a client adds to one session or to a series. 

2. Charge credits directly for group activities, not for private activities 

When you add a client to a group activity, such as a group lesson or group training, credits are charged immediately. However, when you add a client to a private activity, such as a Personal Training session or private lesson, you will manually charge credits afterwards. 

3. Always charge credits automatically afterwards 

In this case, credits will always be charged automatically afterwards when you add a client to a session. The only condition is that the client has enough credits, otherwise the session will remain open and you will have to charge the credits manually later. Furthermore, this only applies to future bookings. When you add a client to a session in the past, you will have to charge them manually. 

4. Always charge credits manually afterwards 

In this case, credits should always be charged afterwards when you add a client to a session. 

Important: This setting only applies if you add that client, not if a client has made a booking themself. In this case, credits are always charged immediately. 


How can I charge credits? 

When you add a client to a session or series – and you have configured that you want to charge credits afterwards – you will see a red line in the agenda, see below. This means there is still an open booking. 

If you then click on the session in the calendar, you can go to the participant and confirm the booking. The credits will then be charged. 

Note: a booking can only be confirmed when the client has sufficient and valid credits that can be used to book the session.