Assigning products to (new) client(s)

How do I assign a new product to a (new) client?  

If you want to give a product to a new client, click on + button > New client via the navigation bar. You can then assign a product via this menu). 

If you want to give an existing client a product, you have 2 options: 

Option 1: Via Clients > Search client > Options (3 dots) > Assign product  

Option 2: Via + button > Assign product (credits). 

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated 

After selecting the client, you can select the product you want to assign to the client. 

  • Product: Select the product you want to assign to the client. You can change the name of the product here. This name is also visible on an invoice). 
  • Valid: Depending on the product type, you can indicate here when a product starts (membership) or select a product’s validity (separate product, ride ticket) 
  • Payment: Indicate whether the client has to pay for the product or whether the client has already been paid. If you uncheck Payment, the product will be free. 
      • Send payment link: when the client still has to pay for the product, you can select "Send payment link". The client will then receive a payment request by e-mail for the product (with date and time of session if provided). The client can then pay directly via the payment link.  
      • Directly collect payment (optional): when a client has issued an authorisation to automatically collect a payment, you can collect the payment immediately. 
      • Schedule payment: when you want to schedule the membership payment (note: if you schedule the payment, you must ensure that the payment date is correct (when will the payment be collected), the amount and the order period (order period is the period over which payment will be made) With an ongoing membership, the following payments are automatically scheduled. 
      • Payment already received: if payment has already been received and you want to register the payment, you can choose "Already paid". If automatic billing is set up, an invoice will be created automatically. 
  • Price: Indicate here the amount the client has to pay or has already paid. If you have already entered a client’s bank account number, there is also the option to collect the amount directly. 
  • Add remarks: You can then add comments to the e-mail that will be sent to the client, or add internal comments.  

After sending a payment request, the invoice in PDF (provided the client’s address details have been added) will be added to the e-mail. 

Note: In Memberships you can schedule a membership’s starting date and the next payments.