View sales tax (VAT).

You have 2 ways to check how much sales tax (VAT) you owe on the sale of your products and services.

1. Via Reports (from Pro)

To immediately find out how much sales tax (VAT) you owe on the sale of your products and services in a selected period, follow the following steps:

  1. Go to Reports

  2. Click the tax on sales report

You will then see an overview of the income per period and you can see how much sales tax (VAT) will have to be paid. If your products have different VAT percentages (for example 9% and 21%), the turnover tax will be divided into these.

Note: This report is not  available when you have a Starter account.

2. Via Finance

You also have the option of downloading all order lines in an Excel or CSV file via Finance. You can then see the VAT amount per order line, and you can also see the total amount including VAT and excluding VAT. To do this follow the following steps:

  1. Go to Finance, you will go directly to Sales

  2. Click the Export button at the top right

  3. Click belowOrder Lines which file type you want to download

PLEASE NOTE: these are only the payments made within Trainin and are calculated based on the VAT percentages specified with the products.