Cancel session

To cancel or delete a series or recurring schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to Calendar 
  2. Click on the Session you want to cancel 
  3. Click Cancel 

You will then see the window below where you can confirm that you want to cancel the session. However, to cancel a series or delete a schedule, click "Cancel sessions belonging to this series". 

When you have indicated that you want to cancel sessions belonging to the series, the option "All sessions will be cancelled from the date of this session" is set by default. By clicking on the edit icon you can also choose other options. The following 3 options are possible: 

1. All sessions will be cancelled from the date of the session (default) 

Suppose you click on the session of July 19 (for example) and choose this option, then all upcoming sessions from July 19 onwards will be cancelled (including the session of July 19).  

2. All sessions will be cancelled from today 

Suppose today is June 12 and you have clicked on a session on a different date in the future, you can indicate that you still want to cancel all upcoming sessions in the series from today. All upcoming sessions from June 12 onwards will then be cancelled. 

3. All sessions will be cancelled, both in the past (!) and in the future 

In this case you can cancel all sessions in both the past and the future. 

Click "Yes, cancel sessions" to cancel the series or delete schedule. 

Please note: session participants will automatically be notified by e-mail and credits will be refunded.