Activity booking options

For each activity, you can set whether the activity can be booked immediately, can be booked on request, or cannot be booked at all. To do this follow these steps: 

  1. Go to Activities 
  2. Click on options (3 dots) > Edit or click on the activity to change it 
  3. Go to Booking settings 

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated 

Instant booking 

If you want clients or members to be able to sign up directly for a group lesson or schedule a private session themselves (based on your availability), then it is ideal to indicate that the activity can be booked instantly. 

A client who has an active product or credits (for example a credit pack or subscription) can immediately schedule a session or sign up for a class. If a (potential) client does not yet have an active product or credits, the client can directly book and pay for a lesson or training session.  

Request required 

You can also indicate that your clients must first request a time. Based on your availability or schedule, clients or members can send a request with a date and time. You have 72 hours to accept a request. Only after you have accepted the request can the client pay and finalise the booking; the client can do this within 24 hours. If the client already has an active product or credits, the booking or registration is definitive immediately.  

Booking or registration not possible 

If you do not want clients or members to be able to make a booking or schedule a session themselves, you can also set up that only you as an administrator or trainer can make a booking. This is ideal if you want to keep control over your calendar.