Change company account number

Changing your account number requires two separate actions. 

1. Change account number on Trainin 

It is necessary to change your account number at Trainin so we can continue to collect the fees for the package. If you fail to do so, your Trainin account will be automatically blocked and you will not be able to log in again until you provide your new account number. Your existing clients will still be able to sign up for the sessions and nothing will be deleted. 

To change your account number, go to  Settings  and click on  Bank details, where you can edit the following fields: 

  • Account holder (name) 
  • Account number (IBAN) 
  • BIC 

2. Change account number at Mollie 

In order to continue to receive and process payments, it is necessary to change your account number at Mollie. This is not automatically adjusted when you change your account number on Trainin. Mollie pays out to the account number known to them.